Dr. Nicki Frank Hinsche
phone: 0345 55 25 566
fax: 0345 55 25 446
room 0.47
von-Seckendorff-Platz 1
06120 Halle
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Krause-Rehberg
phone: 0345-55-25560
room 4.36
Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3
06120 Halle
The electronics & metrology lab course is attented by students in the fields of physics and medical physics, as well as digital technologies and teaching (Sek 1/2). It includes subject-specific 6-12 lab days of 4-6 hours each. Currently, up to 20 students can work on 10 identical measuring stations at the same time.
Based on the analysis of electronic components, the dimensioning and application of analog and digital circuits, as well as the understanding of hardware and software in computer-assisted experiments, the students strengthen their knowledge in basic electronics. Many experiments are based and motivated by the lecture/seminar "Introduction to Electronics & Measurement Technology" that has already been studied.
The interaction of measurement methods, electronic measurement technology and modern computer architecture, as well as the use of standardized interfaces in the automation of measuring stations form the focus. The measurement station automation and control itself takes place via LabVIEW and Python and is supported by Arduino or RasperryPi . It is intended to provide a diverse introduction to modern laboratory work.
The students use computers as aids and tools when planning, carrying out and evaluating the lab course experiments.
Motivated by the lecture, simulation programs such as LTSpice and Logisim are used to support this.
The experiment instructions, equipment documents and useful information are available as PDF files, partly on this page, in full in Stud.IP.

Lab room electronics and metrology

Soldering working areas in the electronics lab
Tour of the lab room 0.46
Rundgang durch den Praktikumsraum 0.48