NATFUSION is a party hosted by student representatives from different courses of science, recently physics, chemistry, biochemistry and mathematics/IT. Since 2010 it takes place every year in april. For us it is an occasion to advertise the coming elections. But of course there is also lots to eat and drink, as well as live experiments.
Summer festival

Warm welcome to future physicists! (summer festival 2014)

summer festival 2009: Dosenwerfen with Prof. Widdra
In June we host a summer festival at the university's sports ground Ziegelwiese.
The every year highlight for students, staff and profs alike is our volleyball cup. Moreover there is BBQ, drinks and a fun competition.
You can register a volleyball team beforehand via mail at or just come and find your team there.

Kennenlernabend 2010
This is another informal evening where people can get to know each other. Notably first year students meet lecturers and students of higher semesters. To encourage communication we provide a guessing game.
Christmas lecture

Weihnachtsvorlesung 2011 - Johannes Kepler und der Weihnachtsstern
Alljährlich in der Weihnachtszeit findet eine Weihnachtsvorlesung statt, bei der physikalische Themen locker und zum Schmunzeln durch ein Dozentikon unseres Instituts aufbereitet werden. Dazu gibt es Glühwein, Lebkuchen und Stollen.
Themen der letzten Jahre:
- 2008: Prof. Dr. D. Reichert - Gibt es eckige Seifenblasen?
- 2009: Prof. Dr. R. Krause-Rehberg - Wie fotografiere ich den Weihnachtsmann?
- 2010: Prof. Dr. W. Hergert - Symmetrie, Invarianz und Harmonie
- 2011: Dr. H. Grätz - Johannes Kepler und der Weihnachtsstern
- 2012: Prof. Dr. S. Trimper - Skalen, Symmetrien und Symmetriebrechung
- 2013: Prof. Dr. R. Scheer - Am Weihnachtsbaume, die Lichter brennen ... Vorlesung über einige physikalische Erleuchtungen
- 2014: Prof. Dr. K. Dörr - Drei ??? zu Weihnachten
- 2015: Prof. Dr. I. Mertig - Topologie in Weihnachten
- 2016: Prof. Dr. D. Reichert - Weihnachten, Hollywood und... Physik?
- 2017: Prof. Dr. W. Paul - Die (Irr-)fahrten des Weihnachtsmanns
- 2018: Prof. Dr. W. Widdra - Plätzchenbacken in 4-D - Es leuchtet ein Quasikristall
- 2019: Prof. Dr. W. Hergert - Eine Expedition in die wunderbare Welt des Karbon
Christmas party

Christmas party 2009: lecturers against students
Once a year in December the Fachschaftsrat invites you to a Christmas party.
Students of the first master semester prepare some little games and we sponsor awards for the winners.
Specials for newcomers

Stadtführung 2009
In september or during the first weeks of the semester we take new students on a guided tour of Halle starting at the campus. The final destination is a bar where everyone can get to know each other.
We also offer informational events to shed some light on how to begin your studies.
You can find up-to-date information on events for new students here: